- Accommodation
- Accommodation in Bakewell
- Advertise with us
- Bakewell Pudding or Bakewell Tart?
- Bakwell Business Directory
- Bank House Mews
- Clothing Sale Shop
- Contact
- Events
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- Haddon Hall 2024 Opening
- Home
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- Information
- Outdoor Activites in Bakewell
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- Peak District National Park
- Privacy Policy
- Rafters at Riverside House
- Shooting and Conservation in the Peak District
- Sitemap
- Ten Reasons to Visit Bakewell
- The Aubrey
- The Best Places to Stay in the Peak District Without a Car
- The Monsal Head Hotel
- Things To Do
- Where to eat in Bakewell
- 1 Harrow Cottage
- A & S Needham
- A E Hawley & Son
- A Oliver
- A Twyford
- Abbeyfield Youlgrave & District Society Ltd.
- Absolutely Fabulous
- Acurel International Ltd.
- Adamas Jewellers
- Advantage Management
- Age Concern Derbyshire
- Aitchs Wine Bar
- Alan & Sandra Rose
- Alison Jackson-Bass
- All Saints R C Church
- Ambrose Printing Ltd.
- Andrew Armstrong (Farmers & Butchers) Ltd.
- Ann\’s Loose Covers
- Annette Dyson Designs
- Appleby & Nuttall Fine Foods
- Appletree Cottage
- April Cottage
- Artlink
- Ashenfell Surgery
- Ashford Farm Holiday Cottages
- Ashford Farm Supplies
- Ashford Lane Garage
- Ashford PO
- Askham|P|
- Asquith Design Partnership
- Associated Roben Damp Proofing Services
- Autochair Ltd.
- B & B Electronics
- B & M Frost
- B & M Frost & Son
- B & R Moorhouse
- Backdale Minerals
- Bagshaws Agricultural
- Bagshaws Residential
- Baker Shepherd Gillespie
- Bakewell (Controlled) Infant School
- Bakewell & Eyam Community Transport
- Bakewell Agricultural & Horticultural Society
- Bakewell Auto Electrical Services Ltd.
- Bakewell Auto Parts
- Bakewell Autumn Festival
- Bakewell Bridge Filling Station
- Bakewell Carpets
- Bakewell Centre
- Bakewell Chiropody Clinic
- Bakewell Coaches
- Bakewell Cottage Nursing Home
- Bakewell Factory Shop
- Bakewell Fish & Chip Shop
- Bakewell Fishmonger
- Bakewell Food Festival
- Bakewell Golf Club
- Bakewell Holiday Apartments
- Bakewell Information Centre
- Bakewell Library
- Bakewell Medical Centre
- Bakewell Methodist Church
- Bakewell Methodist Junior School
- Bakewell Methodist Junior School
- Bakewell Mill Shop
- Bakewell Motors
- Bakewell Motors
- Bakewell Newsagents
- Bakewell Pet Supplies
- Bakewell Post Office
- Bakewell Pudding or Bakewell Tart?
- Bakewell Tart Recipe
- Bakewell Tool Hire
- Bakewell Toy Train Collectors Fair
- Bakewell Travel
- Bakewell Workingmen\’s Club
- Bamboo Cottage
- Barbel Marketing Co Ltd (The)
- Barkworth & Corfield Dental Laboratory
- Barn Cottage
- Bartlett- N C
- Baslow Filling Station
- Baslow Insurance Services
- Bay Tree Cottage
- Beaute de Jour
- Beechwood Residential Properties Ltd.
- Berkeley Wines
- Bernon Manor House
- Bickiepegs Ltd.
- Bike Active
- Birds-Steve-
- Bleaklow Industries Ltd.
- Bloomers Connoisseurs Bakery
- Bloomers Original Bakewell Puddings
- Bob Hartley Construction
- Body & Soul
- Bolehill Cottages
- Bookworld
- Boots the Chemist
- Borivli
- Bowood Electronics Ltd.
- Bradley\’s Hair Salon
- Braemar Cottage
- Bramwell Cottage
- Brian J Singelton
- British Red Cross Society
- Brooklands Christian Residential Home
- Broughtons (Bakewell) Ltd.
- Bubnell Cliff Farm
- Buck & Lloyd (Sheffield) Ltd.
- Bulls Head The
- Burgess (Agricultural Engineers) Ltd.
- Burton Closes
- Burton Manor Farm Cottages
- Business Link North Derbyshire
- Butterell Neil J
- Buttons & Bears
- By-Ways Cafe
- C & F M Percival
- C E Woolley & Son
- C Farmer Ltd.
- C J Wigley & Son
- C Longstone of E Primary School
- C Longstone of E Primary School
- C Westmorland
- Care Relief Team
- Cartwheels
- Castle Cliffe Guest House
- Castle Development Lescelles
- Castle Farm
- Castle Farm Camping Barn
- Castle Hill Farm House
- Cataware Shop (The)
- Catcliffe Cottage
- Chadwick M S
- Chalfont Management Services Ltd.
- Chapeaux
- Chapman Woodturning
- Chateau Rhodes Wines
- Chatsworth Carpenters
- Chatsworth Farm Shop
- Chatsworth House
- Chatsworth House
- Chatsworth house Wedding Fair
- Chatsworth International Horse Trials
- Chatsworth Settlement
- Chayandour Guest House
- Cheese Board Delicatessen
- Cheese Board Delicatessen
- Cherries
- Chesterfield Borough Council
- Chocolates of Burgge
- Choice Hair Fashions
- Church In The Peak
- Churchdale Farm
- Chy-an-Dour
- Clematis Cottage
- Cliff End Cottage
- Cliffe House
- Cock & Pullet
- Codel International Ltd.
- Colin Sutherill
- Colin Sutherill
- Combined Trading 2000 Ltd
- Connaught Business Centre
- Connoisseurs Bakehouse
- Containment Quality Associates Limited
- Copyorder Ltd.
- Cornbrook House
- Corner Cottage
- Cornerstone Menswear
- Cosgrove I M
- Cotswold Designs Ltd.
- Cotswold Designs Ltd.
- Cottage Creations
- Country Books
- Country Choice
- Country Life Shop
- Court Yard Cafe
- Courtyard Knitt Wear
- Cressbrook Investments Ltd.
- Critchlows Farm Shop
- Croft Cottages
- Curlew Cottage
- D McMillan & Son
- D P (Bakewell) Ltd.
- Dale End Farm
- Dale View
- Darwell Roofing
- David F Lee Associates
- David Gray & Co
- David Harrison (Promotions) Ltd.
- David Melland
- David Mycock
- De Mycock & Son
- Denpart
- Dental Surgery
- Derbyshire Aggregates Ltd.
- Derbyshire Building Society
- Derbyshire Carers Association
- Derek Watson
- Derwent Bereavement Support Service
- Derwent Carpets & Curtains Ltd.
- Derwent Rural Counselling Service
- Devonshire Arms
- Diamond Financial Services Uk Ltd.
- Diane Barker
- Discovery Tapes Ltd
- Distinctive Furnishings & Gifts
- Donington Environmental Engineering Ltd
- Duke Of Rutland Estate
- E Bingham
- E C McDonald
- E J & R J Watkins Motor Engineers
- E Ward Ltd.
- E Ward Ltd.
- Eadon Lockwood & Riddle Residential
- East Midlands Equipment Co. Ltd.
- Edensor Post Office
- Edge View
- Edwin C Moseley
- Efco
- End Cottage
- English Martyrs R C Church
- English Nature
- Equatorial
- Estelle Wardle
- European Engineering
- Everton
- Example Featured Listing
- Extemplo Ltd
- Eye Catchers
- Eyre Arms
- F & E M Boam & Sons
- F Parker Butchers & General Store
- Fabric Solutions
- Family Support Services (Yorkshire) Ltd.
- Farmers & Country Bureaux
- Field House Cottage
- Fine Foods at Ashford
- Finson Roofing & Cladding
- Fischers Baslow Hall
- Forsheda Pipe Seals
- Francis & Herdman
- Frank S Woolley
- Franklin & Co
- Fred Mellor & Son
- G L Motors
- Gardenia Florist
- Gaunt & Marnoch Ltd.
- Gemstone Designs
- George G Cantrell
- George Hotel
- George Hotel
- Gilmans of Bakewell
- Goodwin Cockerton & Colhoun
- Goose Green Cottage
- Goose Green Tea Rooms
- Gordon Searson Opticians
- Granby Gallery
- Granby Jewellery
- Graver Boot Associates
- Great Longstone Sub Post Office
- Greengauge Artificial Sports Surfaces Ltd
- Greenhills Caravan Park
- Greenhills Holiday Park
- H & W Sellors Ltd.
- H G Bateman & Sons
- H G M Publications
- H Holland
- H N Tomlinson
- H S B C Bank
- Haddon Fisheries
- Haddon Grove Farm
- Haddon Grove Farm Cottages
- Haddon Hall
- Haddon House Stud
- Haddon Villa
- Hair Indoors
- Hairobic Salon
- Halifax Property Services
- Harthill Hall
- Health Project Abroad
- Heerbert G Pheasey
- Helen Mason & Co
- Help the Aged
- Henry Hulley & Sons Ltd.
- Herrick W Fletcher
- High Peak College (Bakewell) Training Club
- Hillside Cottage
- Hirst|M U|
- Holdsworth Chocolate Ltd.
- Hollands
- Holly Cottage
- Holly Homestead
- Honesty Cosmetics Ltd.
- Honey Bun Cafe
- Horace R Bagshaw
- Hotel Focus
- Hotel Resources
- Hotel Resources
- Hughes Electronics
- Ian Hughes
- Ibis Design
- Il Lupo Ristorante Italiano
- Induction Heating Systems (U K) Ltd.
- Interior Decorations of Broomhill Ltd.
- Isherwood J P
- Izzi Ltd.
- J & C Beever
- J & P Warren
- J J Designer Collections
- J L Yates & Sons
- J M Frost
- J M Furness
- J M J Oldfield
- J M W Eley
- J N & S J Hawkins
- J P Hancock Plumbing & Heating
- J Pogson
- J R Cartledge & Son
- J R Thorp
- J S Frost
- J W & J Mettam
- J W & R G Ede
- J W Long Engineers
- James Martys Pickworth & Clark Drs
- James Philip Boam
- Jeremy Ward Electrical Ltd.
- Job Centre
- Joe Hardy
- John Bonsall
- John Brocklehurst
- John Chalmers Brown
- John Corbridge
- John H Shimwell & Son
- John McGregor Landscape Forestry
- John Pepper Optician\’s
- John R Mycock
- John R Mycock
- John Sinclair Coffee Shop
- Jumpers Ltd.
- Just Kids
- K W Brocklehurst
- Keith How
- Kemp|Michael|
- Kevin Dickinson
- L & M Recovery
- Labels of Baslow Ltd.
- Lace
- Lady Fair
- Lady Manners School
- Lathkill Coaches
- Lathkill Craft Centre
- Lathkilldale Craft Centre Tea Rooms
- Le Grice C J
- Lee
- Lewis Antiques
- Litton Properties Ltd.
- Long Rake Spa Mining Co
- Long Rake Spar Co. Ltd.
- M A Hill
- M Shimwell
- M Stacey
- Mandale House
- Mandale Rake
- Manners Hotel
- Marsh Brothers Engineering Services Ltd.
- Martin & Dorothy Harper
- Martin Gorman
- Mas Trading
- Mason & Co.
- Maurice R Ward
- Maurice V Turner
- May Cottage
- Mays Dowse
- Meadow Cottage Tea Garden
- Meadow View
- Melbourne Cottage
- Melbourne House & Easthorpe
- Mere View Cottage
- Michael John Wells
- Michael Pembrey Antiques
- Micheal Goldstone
- Midco (Bakewell) Ltd.
- Mike Brewster Vehicle Repairs
- Mike Brewster Vehicle Repairs
- Milford Garage Ltd.
- Milford Garage Ltd.
- Millfield Farm
- Mills Chalmers & Associates
- Minden Cottage
- Monsal View Cafe
- Montana
- Monyash C of E School
- Moorhall Post Office
- Morgan Machine Knife Ltd
- Moss Judith
- MossJudith
- Moto D Uk Ltd.
- Nanny Peggy\’s Cottage
- National Farmers Union Mutual Insurance Society Ltd.
- Neepsend Tools Ltd
- Newscreen Licensing Ltd.
- Niblick (U K) Ltd
- No 23
- Normanhurst B&B
- North Derbyshire Health Authority
- North Derbyshire Health Authority
- Nuttall Scrap Merchants
- Omega Contract Interiors
- Orchard House
- Oulsnam Design Ltd.
- Oulsnam Design S.l
- Overdale
- P Gregory
- P M P International Ltd.
- P W Mellor & Son
- Package Solutions Ltd.
- Parakeet Cafe & Take Away
- Park View Service Station
- Paul & Lynn Lambert
- Paul Rodgerson & Co
- Paxtons
- Peak & Pennines Rural Enterprise Project
- Peak Advertiser
- Peak Cottage
- Peak District National Park Ranger Service
- Peak Fairs
- Peak Oak
- Peak Park National Park Authority
- Peak Prestige Automobiles
- Peak Racing
- Penrose and Rietberg
- Peter Knowles Architect
- Peter Turner
- Pets & Gardens (Bakewell)
- Philip Mizon Ltd.
- Pilsley Post Office & General Store
- Pinder S & M L Construction
- Pinelog Ltd.
- Police Bakewell
- Poppies Stockport Ltd.
- Prince of Wales Hotel
- Q C the Quality Curtain Co
- Queens Arms
- Quest Solutions
- R Brassington & Son
- R Brassington & Son
- R Brough
- R C Dilks
- R Carter & Co
- R Downing Private Hire
- R Evans & Son
- R G Wilson
- R Hughes MRCVS
- R Loma Builders
- R W Mercer & Co
- R.W Mantell & Son
- Radical Horizons: The Art of Burning Man at Chatsworth
- Raymond Fletcher & Son
- Re: Media Plc
- Readco 195 Ltd.
- Real-World Technology Ltd.
- Red Lion Hotel
- Renshaw Thomas Tax Consultants
- Rex Boyer Antiques
- Richard Mundy Building Design
- River Cottage
- River Walk Bed & Breakfast
- Riverside House Hotel
- Robert Bradbury
- Robert Getty Building Design
- Robert Hodgson
- Robin Hood Inn
- Rockfield House – Bed and Breakfast
- Roger Sherwood
- Roly Smith
- Romey T Brough
- Romey T Brough Artist
- Roo Tu
- Rose Cottage
- Rosemary Hughes
- Rossett Green – PK558
- Rowena & Derek Swindells
- Royal Mail
- Rush Simon
- Rush-Simon-
- Ruskins
- Rutland Investments
- S R & J K Roper
- S Rach
- Sarah Bennet Jazz Band
- Scott
- Scrivener A
- Scriveton Manor Farm Holdings Ltd.
- Select Conservatories
- Service Call
- Shamble Cottage
- Sheldon Cottages
- Sherwood House
- Shorts Financial Services
- Skidmore\’s
- Smerrill Grange Farm
- Smith & Roper
- SmithMalcolm D
- Smiths Runners Ltd.
- Smiths Stationers
- St Anne\’s C of E Primary School
- St Peters Church
- St. Anselm\’s School Trust Ltd.
- Stapak Services
- Steps Cottage
- Stokes Margaret
- Stuart A Threapleton & Associates
- Stud Farm Gallery
- Sunnylea Holiday Cottage
- Sunnyside
- SupaSnaps
- Swindells Eric R
- Sylvia\’s Hair Designs
- T L Mining Construction Ltd
- Tabwell Tools Ltd
- Taylormade Induction Ltd.
- Taylors Pharmacy (2000) Ltd.
- Temptations
- The Amazons
- The Ashford Arms
- The Bakewell & Eyam Community Transport
- The Bakewell Beauty Salon
- The Bakewell Fly Fishing
- The Bakewell Music Shop
- The Bakewell Pudding Parlour
- The Bakewell Tart
- The Barbers Shop
- The Barn
- The Bulls Head Inn
- The Castle Inn
- The Cavendish Hotel
- The Chimneys
- The Clear Picture Co.
- The Coach House
- The Cottage Tea Room
- The Cottage, Crimbles Lane
- The Country Bookstore Ltd.
- The Countryman\’s Outfitter
- The Crispin
- The Crystal Hart
- The Dales Private Chiropody & Physiotherapy Clinic
- The Derbyshire Shop
- The Devonshire Arms at Pilsley
- The Farm Yard Inn
- The Farmyard Inn
- The Farmyard Inn
- The Fish & Chip Shop
- The Fringe
- The Future Directions Group
- The Garage
- The Garden Coffee Shop
- The Garden Room
- The Haven
- The John Thornhill Memorial Trust
- The Lodge And Dove Cottage
- The Manager\’s House
- The Monsal Trail
- The Old Bakery
- The Old Orginal Bakewell Pudding Shop
- The Old Stables
- The Old Vicarage
- The Packhorse Forge
- The Park Pantry
- The Post Office
- The Print Room
- The Print Room
- The Reckoning
- The Royal Bank of Scotland Plc
- The Royal British Legion
- The Rutland Arms Hotel
- The Secret @ Peak Serenity
- The Shop
- The Smithy
- The Stamp Shop
- The Style House
- The Suit Shop
- The Wardrobe
- The Wee Dram
- Theme Team Ltd.
- Thomas Peter Rogers
- Thomas Peter Rogers
- Thornbridge Education Centre
- Thornbridge Peakender
- Thorpe Cottage
- Thorpe|Kath|
- Thyme Cottage
- Tim Brough
- Tiroler Stuberl
- Tona Health & Beauty Centre
- Tony Plant
- Tony Team Ltd.
- Tool Steel Stocks Ltd.
- Town & Country Craft Fairs
- Townend Cottage
- Track & Trail
- Tricia Clark Designs
- Twyford Engineering
- Unisys Users Association
- Vector Industrial Services
- Village Aid Ltd.
- W G D Upton
- W I Fletcher
- W N M & J M Chappell
- W Yeomans (Chesterfield)
- Webbnet Ltd
- Well Cottage
- West & Foster
- West Derbyshire Holdings Ltd.
- West Lawn
- Westcourt Insurance Services Ltd.
- Westmorland House
- Wheatsheaf Hotel
- Whitbread Hotel Co. Ltd.
- White Knight Strategic Marketing
- White Lion Hotel
- Wild Flower Cottage
- Williams Associates
- Willis Blackshaw
- Wilmadah
- Woodcock Travel
- Woods James
- Woods|James|
- Wordstar Publishing
- Wrought Iron Crafts & Fabrications
- Wye Accessories Ltd.
- Wye Insurance Consultants
- Wye Knot
- Wye Needlecraft
- Wyeclose Bed & Breakfast
- Wyedale Bed & Breakfast
- Wyedale Grocers
- Youlgrave All Saints C.E. (Aided) Primary School
- Youlgrave Garage
- Youlgreave Youth Hostel
- Youth Hostels Association
- Yuletide Cottage